This is a constantly incomplete list of the zines that Love Bunni Press has produced over the years. My memory is horrible and I tend to wet brain out on chronology, but as I find and remember projects, I will add them to this zineography. I plan on making older issues available as .pdf files as well. But bear with me. I am lazy. - R.JXP.

Diane Files

First printing, offset, 1994.

Real love notes to an imaginary girl.
MRR #118 Review
Friction Magazine Review
From The Reverse Diane Files
by R. John Xerxes.

Ghosts Of Ready Reference #1
First printing 200 copies 2003. Second printing 150, 2005.

What remains of a discarded ready reference file.
Cited in Library Journal
Razorcake webview

by R. John Xerxes.

Ghosts of Ready Reference # 2
First printing 200 April 2004. Second printing 75, 2005.

Stories from the Reference Desk of a Public Library.
New Pages #22 Review
NeuFutur Review
Razorcake Webview
by R.JXP.

Ghosts of Ready Reference #3
Frist printing 200. 2005.

Library Patrons ask the durnest questions!
by R.JXP.

Undeciluna #1
Frist printing 200 copies. Second printing 100. 2002.

Could the strange dreams Wendy has had contributed to her parent's mysterious disappearence?
New Pages Review

Sample Page.

words by Calvin Chaos & Mindy Fisher
drawings by Mindy Fisher

Undeciluna #2
First printing 200 copies. Second printing 100. Third printing 50. 2003.

Wendy & Co. encounter more missing adults and creepy alien birds in the second installment of Undeciluna.
words by Calvin Chaos & Mindy Fisher
drawings by Mindy Fisher

Suburban Legends: The Maladroit Melonheads of Kirtland County
Frist printing 150 copies. 2007.

A true tale of the origins of the Legenary Ohio Monsters!
Sample Page.

words byR.JXP.
drawings by Mindy Fisher

Suburban Legends: The Old Maid and the Mail Slot Murders
First printing 100 copies. April 2007.

A real-for-true ghost story. Happened to a friend of mine's second cousin!
words by R.JXP
drawings by Mindy Fisher

Razorcake webreview

Stainless Steel Lens
First Print 150, Second Print 75. May 2003

Jen S. takes lovely photos of rundown places.
Gin Is My Disco Ball dedicates two pages to the brilliance of Stainless Steel Lens!

Xerography Debt #13 Review
New Pages Review
by Jen S.

Amerikan Splendor: My Affair Year
One Printing 200 copies. June 2006.

What happens when a needy comic book writer starts collecting his own press? Will the librarian who helps him give in to his manly need for affrimation and attention?
Sample page 1, page 2, page 3.
Razorcake Review

Transcribed from real life by R.JXP
Pencils by Doan Buu

Track Marks
One Printing 200 copies. June 2006.

A Grand Rapids, MI compilation of poems, prose, and assorted thinking on and about railroads and trains.
MRR #281 Review Here.
Punk Planet #76 Review.
RazorCake #35 Review.

Edited by Josh, Miranda, and Kevin.